Tools for practice

Inclusion Health Audit Tool

Tool to measure the engagement of voluntary organisations with communities which experience the poorest health outcomes.

Inclusion Health Self Assessment Tool

Tool to support Primary Care Networks in tackling neighbourhood health inequalities.

Guide for Health & Care Services

How to tackle health inequalities in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.

Working with Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in Children’s Services

Friends, Families and Travellers guide for professionals.


Roma Rights: An Overview

Roma Support Group

Resources for the roma community in different languages.

The movement of Roma from new EU Member States

A mapping survey of A2 and A8 Roma in England. Patterns of settlement and current situation of the new Roma communities. A report prepared for DCSF by European Dialogue, 2009. 

North West Regional Strategic Migration Partnership

Migration Yorkshire


European Roma Information Office

Ergo Network

Advocating for better policies and policy implementation on national and European level.

European Roma Rights Centre

Open Society Foundation

Roma women and children

Romani Women from Central and Eastern Europe

A ‘Fourth World’, or Experience of Multiple Discrimination 

Toolkits for working with Roma pupils

Breaking the Silence

Trafficking in Human Beings in Romani Communities

Empowering women or perpetuating victimhood

Minority ethnic and Roma women's experiences of domestic violence policy and service provision. YY Yildiz, F Baumann and S Dutta, IMECE Turkish Speaking Women's Group / London Training and Employment Network / Regional Social Welfare Resource Centre, 2010 

Supporting Gypsies and Travellers living with Domestic Violence

Children & Family

The Traveller Movement - tailored information and support to the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) families.


The Traveller Movement - programmes aimed at young people's education and job attainment.

The Romani Early Years Network

A Europe-wide leading advocacy network that promotes professionalism in early years and access of Roma and Traveller children to quality early childhood development services.

Understanding and reducing barriers to access

Breaking the barriers

Romani Women and Access to Public Health Care 2003 

Roma Health Concerns

The View from Bulgaria

Left Out: Roma and Access to Health Care in Eastern and South Eastern Europe

Public Health Fact Sheet, Roma Health Project. Open Society Institute, Public Health Program. 

The Ten Common Basic Principles on Roma Inclusion

Vademecum. For Diversity Against Discrimination. 

Understanding Risk: Roma and HIV Prevention

Soros Foundation health initiative 

Fair Access for All?

Gypsy Travellers in Sussex, GP Surgeries and Barriers to Primary Healthcare 

Locked Out

A snapshot of access to General Practice for nomadic communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Health Status of Liveaboard Boaters

Largest ever UK study on the health experiences of Liveaboard Boaters (2021)

Health and the Roma community

The BHA 

Finding Healthcare

Healthcare advice for Travellers

Specific health conditions

Confronting a Hidden Disease

TB in Roma Communities

Genetic conditions in the Roma Gypsy population in Ireland 

Autosomal recessive ethnic diseases of Czech Gypsies, Seeman P, Šišková D (2006) 

Neuromuscular disorders in the Gypsy ethnic group 

Navarro C, Teijeira S (2003)

Understanding Risk: Roma and HIV Prevention

Open Society initiative

Coercive Sterilisation Worldwide

Open Society Foundation, 2011 

Asthma Management & Care

Children, young people and families’ experiences of chronic asthma management and care.

Mental health

Roma Mental Health Advocacy Project

Roma Support Group (2015-21).

Gypsy and Traveller Thoughts Around Wellbeing

A summary of the report compiled for Brighton and Hove CCG by Michelle Gavin, Friends Families and Travellers.

Researching Young Travellers Mental Health

Report by Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre (2014).

Bullied, Not Believed and Blamed

The Experiences of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Pupils: Recommendations for Schools and Other Settings.

Service development

Improving Uptake

Improving uptake and delivery of health services to reduce health inequalities experienced by Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller people, NHS England.

Developing services in South East Glasgow

Providing Gypsy and Traveller sites: contentious spaces

Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2007).

The very best support comes from people like yourselves, we really recommend you take every opportunity to talk to colleagues in other PCT areas. 

We hope you have found this resource useful.