Hosting Toolkit
A comprehensive resource for hosting schemes that accommodate destitute people seeking asylum, refugees and other migrants.
Right to Remain Toolkit
Housing advice and help
Covid-19 Changes
Changes to the asylum and immigration process due to Covid-19 (August 2021)
Rights and entitlements to housing for new arrivals
Refugee Integration Loans
To help pay for housing deposits.
Shelter England
Help if you're homeless
Short and long-term housing options for homeless refugees and asylum seekers.
Asylum seekers' accommodation options
Housing and support rights for asylum seekers awaiting a decision.
Right to Rent
ACH Refugee Housing Program
Refugee housing in Midlands and South West of England for those who are homeless and vulnerable.
Room for Refugees
With host networks all over the country, Room for Refugees is a community hosting network that offers safe, temporary homes for refugees, asylum seekers and unaccompanied asylum seeking children with no recourse to public funds.
Refugees at Home
UK charity which connects those with a spare room in their home to refugees and asylum seekers in need of somewhere to stay.
Temporary Accommodation for refused asylum seekers
The No Accomodation Network (NACCOM) is committed to bringing an end to destitution amongst people seeking asylum, refugees and migrants with no recourse to public funds living in the UK.
Positive Action in Housing
Information, advice and targeted practical support for women, children and men from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Reports and projects
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Housing pathways of new immigrants.
UK Migrants and the Private Rented Sector
Keys to the City
Refugee Council report - How the next Mayor of London can help end refugee homelessness.
Housing Associations Charitable Trust (HACT)
HACT Website
Together for Communities
Experiences from partnerships, transforming neighbourhoods (2011).